Our responsibility to students

One of our ethical guidelines as counselors is to serve as gatekeepers for the field of counseling. It is our responsibility to ensure the students we are nurturing become healthy and effective counselors in the future. We believe in the successful development of new professionals, coming beside them as they grow and learn.

So you want to become a counselor…

The process of becoming a counselor is not just an educational path, but an emotional one as well. Throughout the journey of becoming a counselor, guidance is critical. It starts with an undeveloped idea of helping people to achieve their goals. Talking to an experienced counselor can help you determine if this career truly is for you. While attending those first few classes of graduate school, you will be prompted to interview a practicing counselor. You will need to ask detailed questions about what it means to be a counselor, and what specifically that entails on a daily basis. As you finish up your coursework and move into the experiential phase of your education, you will need a site to practice your new skills, and a supervisor to guide you outside of the classroom. Beyond graduation, licensure requires continued supervision by qualified counselors to increase your skills as you continue to grow.

We want to help!

Whatever stage you are in, we are here to help you throughout the journey. Please do not hesitate to contact us so that we can assist you, even if it’s just to talk about the work we do. We have both licensed counselors and qualified supervisors available for your formal supervisory needs.